Drama (A/T/M)

Drama is integral to our lives and is fundamental to how we communicate, express and explore ideas. This course involves making and responding to various theatrical works and stimuli, as well as developing individual creativity while enhancing students’ ability to critically analyse dramatic works. In addition to developing enhanced communication skills applicable to all pathways, the Hawker College Drama program provides challenging and effective pedagogy to prepare students for exciting careers in the Arts and associated industries.

Students demonstrating particular interest and aptitude may be invited to undertake units from the specialised course. These units encourage agency and innovation, providing scope for interdisciplinary experimentation and entrepreneurship within the Arts. Students can participate in a range of major theatrical productions, enrichment programs, events and projects within the school and broader community and are encouraged to display and exhibit their work in these forums.

Stage Performance (A/M)

Students undertaking the Stage Performance unit will be required to perform in the college Drama Production. In Stage Performance, students learn as performance artists aiming for industry standard, by making and interpreting a play, musical theatre or multimodal performance that communicates to audiences. They learn as audiences, by responding critically to stage performances. Students develop skills in appreciating, creating, performing, and producing stage performances independently and collaboratively for a range of contexts. Students learn as they engage with history of the stage performance genres, technical skills across disciplines, theories, and concepts, and become literate in the vocabularies and ideas of a range of styles and forms.

Stage performers become highly skilled at working with others and communicating clearly to achieve joint outcomes. They develop production skills and hone practices that present ideas and projects in ways that engage target audiences. Students develop empathetic awareness and skills in the practice of collaborating with others respectfully and apply Work Health and Safety standards.