
Enrolling/Transferring - ACT Public Schools

Visit the Education website at www.education.act.gov.au for more information and to enrol using the online enrolment form

Parents/carers are welcome to apply to enrol/transfer their child at any time during the school year using an online application form. Full details are available from the Education website.

Applications are now being accepted from families who may be considering enrolment at Hawker College. Enrol here.

ACT Student?

Hawker College welcomes students who live in our Priority Enrolment Area (PEA), which includes the suburbs of Hawker, Higgins, Holt, Page, Scullin, Strathnairn, Weetangera and Whitlam. This does not, however, preclude any student wishing to enrol from any other ACT High School.

Students not in our PEA have been successful in applying to our college from all high schools throughout the Canberra region. If you are in this position it is important to give a rationale for the request ensuring that your claims address the criteria for placement with us. These are outlined in the placement procedures and are as follows:

  • If you have legal considerations, where a court order states that a student needs to attend a specific school
  • If there are individual circumstances, based on student wellbeing, that mean that your child cannot attend their local school and must attend the school they have applied for.
  • Subject to capacity, the school will enrol your child if they have an ACT-resident sibling attending that school at the same time.
  • Student is an ACT resident seeking to access a curriculum choice(s) not available at their PEA school.
  • Student is an ACT resident from a designated high-demand PEA.
  • Student lives in NSW and has a sibling attending the school at the same time.

NSW Student?

For NSW students seeking enrolment at Hawker College, please visit ACT Education Directorate NSW Students website for further information.

International student?

The college has established a very strong reputation and program to support our International Private Students. Please visit  ACT Education Directorate International Students website or email ieu@act.gov.au for more information.


Enrolment is by online application. Click here to enrol. If you have difficulty accessing a computer to complete the online enrolment application, please let us know and we can assist you.

Email us on info@hawkerc.act.edu.au, or phone (02) 6142 0355 for further information.

You can also find more information, including the Parent/Carer Guide to enrolment/transfer for ACT Public Schools via the ACT Education Directorate website

If you have other questions about the process you can call the ACT Education Directorate on 6205 5429.